The Association |
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Vision and mission

The original mission of FloorCurling in promoting the sport of Curling has been accomplished with the successful completion of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Through FloorCurling, more people in Hong Kong and overseas gained awareness of the winter sport of Curling and learnt how to appreciate a Curling game.


In 2022, FloorCurling has taken up a new mission in the sustainable development of inclusive sports and homegrown sports. The Association hopes to spread this mission beyond Hong Kong to other parts of Asia, transcending the spirit of inclusion and originality of homegrown sports. 

Member clubs

香港傷健人士地壺球協會 力量地壺球隊
南區信天翁地壺球體育會 飛鷹地壺球會
灣仔白頭鷹地壺球體育會 路德會采頤長者中心
觀塘雪狼地壺球體育會 香港浸信教會服務中心
深水埗雪豹地壺球體育會 循道衛理楊震社會服務處
沙田雪鶚地壺球體育會 啟迪教室
大埔雪雁地壺球體育會 藍冠地壺球會
荃灣哈土奇地壺球體育會 信聯地壺球會
元朗北極兔地壺球體育會 樂壺淘



The Hong Kong FloorCurling Association offers a wide spectrum of programmes for both the curious and the serious!  Our services include “Come & Play” for novices to competitive events.

Come & Play

Learn the basics of FloorCurling within 15 minutes!  Either drop by FloorCurling Plus or look out for our demos in various events.


The Association organizes around 18 competitions per year. 2022 begins the thematic series of Chinese zodiac FloorCurling competitions.


  • Player Training: Players can participate in competitions
  • Instructor Training: Train players, issue player certificates, and lead teams for a competition
  • Guider Training: Conduct Come&Play sessions
  • Workshops: Refresher or latest updates sustaining the FloorCurling development

Team Building

Fostering teamwork, change management and resilience, FloorCurling is a training tool for staff development programmes in public and private corporations.


Happy moments with FloorCurling make everything ultra-special for someone special to you. 

International Events

The Association connects with overseas Associations – China, Taiwan, Estonia, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Macao, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Japan, USA, Canada, Sweden, Thailand and Nepal. 

Songs of FloorCurling

同樂趣 (Song of FloorCurling)

Composed by Rock Ng, a FloorCurler. The song comes in both Cantonese and Putonghua lyrics . Sign language is also available.

Sheet music with lyrics of 同樂趣 (Song of FloorCurling)

地壺球夢飛翔 (FloorCurling: Let your dreams take flight)

Composed by Wong Ching (黃呈), an occupational therapist in the Hong Kong United Hospital. The department became very passionate about the inclusive sport of FloorCurling after having organised FloorCurling sessions for their patients.

Sheet music with lyrics of 地壺球夢飛翔 (FloorCurling: Let your dreams take flight)