FloorCurling is a Hong Kong homegrown inclusive sport. It is a non-contact team sport providing opportunities to people of different ages, gender, or abilities, not only to learn and play together, but also to compete against each other.
A FloorCurling team consists of three members: Lead, Second and Skip. Each team has six FloorCurling rocks. A game usually consists of six ends. A coin toss (or drum paper scissors) decides which team has the hammer in the first end. The team with the hammer has the last rock advantage. For subsequent ends, the team that has lost in the previous end will get the hammer.
For each end, each member delivers two rocks on a FloorCurling lane, with Lead first, followed by Second and then Skip. Each team delivers the rocks in alternate order. The lane is 11 metres long and 1.8 metres wide with a round house of 1.2 metres in diameter on the target end. The team with its rock closest to the centre or button of the house wins the game. The score for the winning team is the number of rocks that are located closer to the centre of the house than any rock of the opposing team.
Find out more about Equipment and Rules of the Game.